Original Article

Strengthening the Awareness Levels of University Students Regarding Substance Use

2024, 8(2), s:10-13

The widespread use of substances in society requires various precautions to be taken and our youth to be made aware of this issue. It is important to educate young people (18-25 age group) who start university on these issues and to determine their substance use awareness levels and train them if necessary. For these reasons, the aim of the research is to strengthen the substance use awareness levels of university students. In this context, the research, which was conducted with a pre-posttest experimental and control group experimental design, lasted six weeks. The data collected using the Determination of Awareness Levels of University Students Towards Substance Use Scale was analyzed by applying T-test with the help of SPSS package program. According to the obtained data; it can be said that the “Addiction Awareness Program” implemented to strengthen the awareness levels of university students towards substance use produced positive results on the experimental group. It is recommended that programs that strengthen substance abuse awareness, such as addiction awareness programs, be provided to young people.